Sean Goggins

Co-Host of CHAOSScast

Sean Goggins is an open source software researcher and a founding member of the Linux Foundation’s working group on community health analytics for open source software CHAOSS, co-lead of the CHAOSS metrics software working group and leader of the open source metrics tool AUGUR which can be forked and cloned and experimented wtih on GitHub. After a decade as a software engineer, Sean decided his calling was in research. His open source research is framed around a broader agenda of social computing research, which he pursues as an associate professor of computer science at the University of Missouri.

Sean is also the founder of the Data Science and Analytics Masters program at Missouri, which he’s now passed on to people who want administrative empire. Sean’s publications focus on understanding how social technologies influence organizational, small group and community dynamics, typically including analysis of electronic trace data from systems combined with the perspectives of people whose behavior is traced. He lives in Columbia, MO with his wife Kate, two daughters and a dog named Huckleberry.

Sean Goggins is co-founder of CHAOSS, member of the CHAOSS Governing Board, lead-maintainer of the CHAOSS Augur project, and regular panelist on the CHAOSScast.

Sean Goggins has hosted 28 Episodes.