Clement Li
Special guest
10-year software development and open source governance experience. Now I work at Huawei and I’m developer experience manager of MindSpore focus on devrel and using AI technology to help the community.
Clement Li has been a guest on 1 episode.
Episode 43: Growing the CHAOSS Community Globally - CHAOSS 社区的全球化故事 - with Xiaoya, Willem, King, and Clement
10 September 2021 | 34 mins 54 secs
Today, we are super excited to have four guests who are here to highlight work that is happening in the CHAOSS Project in the Asia Pacific Region. We have Xiaoya Xia, Willem Jiang, King Gao, and Clement Li joining us. Today, we learn each of them do with the CHAOSS Project in the Asia Pacific Region. Also, we find out how it got started and what’s bringing people in. They go in depth explaining the value that CHAOSS metrics provides and share stories about different metrics they found valuable in how they understand project health and how they’re using metrics.